How To Choose a Virtual Brokerage

100% commission virtual brokerChoosing a Virtual brokerage to join can seem like a difficult task, but knowing what to look for in order to join a successful brokerage is the key and can help you become a 100% commission virtual broker. Here are just a few items that are important for you to know, which will help in your decision-making process: 

  • Does the company post their Real Estate license number on their website and is it easy to find?
  • Can you actually CALL them on the phone and talk to a live person, or is your only choice to submit a contact form?
  • You called and left a message and it’s 48 hours later and you haven’t received a call back yet.
  • There are no testimonials from any of their agents posted for you to browse through.
  • Last but not least, they do not have a Virtual Backoffice you can review. This is the big one. If they are Virtual, they must have a Virtual Backoffice that houses every imaginable tool and resource an agent could or would ever need and you should be able to take a glimpse of that.

Here is a short video of our comprehensive Virtual Backoffice that is available to all our agents absolutely FREE. We can also easily schedule a free webinar and show you first hand our Virtual Backoffice. Contact us to learn more.

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